Perhaps you wonder, "Why haven't you been posting as much, Lee?"
I venture, "Have you checked out my Rebelmouse presence?"You ask, "What the heck is Rebelmouse?"
I say, "Scroll down below this blog entry page and take a look."
Rebelmouse gathers news items from where I ask it to do so, and puts them together almost like a little online newspaper.
When Positive ION posts on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, it goes right here:
Go ahead. Check it out. I'll wait.
In turn, I ask Blogger to post the top news from my Rebelmouse page right below my blog post. You can scroll down below this entry and check it out. It updates every time I post to Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram as Positive ION. Furthermore, I can direct Rebelmouse to look for any post from these places from any user or with any hashtag. That's why you will see posts from Downtown Mount Clemens, too.
So, I'm posting all the time... even when I'm not posting a blog entry!